The Inner Pathway

The Inner Pathway

The advice of “looking into one’s inner being” may cause some confusion. For this guy it is a literal pursuit. Whatever he may be searching for is most likely something physical, a bug? Maybe. Whatever, it is a delightful picture and an amusing imagination exercise. What is the object of his neck-twisting look at the underside of his own wing?

I confess that I feel this way from time to time.

Not the physical expression of this guy, but a more metaphysical examination of myself and my feelings, motives and actions. I swear that I can get my neck in a similar twist just looking into my own actions. I question my path.

Years ago, I assumed the word, “faith”, as a guiding point in my life. I live with that meditation daily and watch for the guidance it brings, and it is consistent.

What I see in the photo is a lovely bird in a still pool of water…doing whatever birds do. I love nature.

About charmii25

I'm here, in this life, to enjoy a physical life of creativity, love and happiness.
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